Fine Art America

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's in a Name?

Researching one's genealogy is easy these days. It's not hard to compile a family tree going back three or four generations. With perseverance one can trace their ancestors back a dozen generations or more. Linking names, dates and locations confirms how you came to be who you are. Looking at those names evoke memories of your grandparents and even your great grandparents.

But beyond that the names quickly become just names.

Polly said it's stories that bring life to the names.

Stories helped you know your ancestors. Someone scoffed at that idea and claimed the stories were made up to help kids go to sleep at night. He said, "Those old stories were just a bunch of malarkey!"

One day at age 90, Polly declared, "that's why I have so many visitors. People come from far and wide to listen to those stories."

Watch for one of those stories, coming soon....

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